The Maine IAT Virtual hiking season has ended. The 45 individuals who participated logged miles all over the US and Canada, including Maine, Quebec, New Jersey, New York, California, Utah, Maryland, Virginia and Vermont.
We’re still tabulating the results, but at the moment 20 hikers completed the 138 miles of the Maine section of IAT with 8 more completing more than 50% of the trail.

Even those who hiked only a few miles helped us accumulate over 5,500 total miles (8,900 kilometers) of virtual trail. This is the equivalent of an IAT hike from Mount Katahdin in Maine, through the Canadian maritimes and Quebec provinces, to Greenland, Iceland and Norway, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, Portugal, Spain and Morocco with 200 miles leftover!

Everyone who participated will receive a “limited edition” IAT pin as well as IAT bookmarks and stickers. Those who completed the more than 50% of the Maine IAT section will receive a complimentary one-year Maine IAT membership. Those that completed the entire 138 miles will also receive a stylish IAT-SIA baseball cap.
Again, thanks to you all and we look forward to seeing you on the real trail next year!