Back in January, the Maine IAT Board were planning lots of activities for the coming year. Things like guided hikes, trail work and relocating more of the IAT off roads and onto mountain trails. It goes without saying that these tasks have all been postponed to next year (knock on wood). However, the Maine board never gives up! And now, thanks to the persistence of Maine IAT Secretary, Elaine Hendrickson, we’re announcing something we can all do that will bring us together and still maintain a healthy physical distance – a Virtual Hike of the Maine IAT!
The idea is simple. You hike wherever you like – in your neighborhood, at a local park or conservation area, on trails near where you live – and keep track of your mileage.
Next, visit the Maine IAT Virtual Hike Page, register your name and email and a trail name if you have one (or make one up, it’s your hike!). Once you’ve registered you can start submitting the mileage from your hikes. The goal is to hike the length of the Maine IAT – 138 miles – but you can “hike” as much of it as you like. Everyone who participates will get a gift!
As you submit your mileage, we’ll keep track of your total and post the results of everyone about once a week. Interested? Go to the Maine IAT Virtual Hike Page and register!