On March 18-20, 2012, Walter Anderson, IAT Chief Geologist and Board Member, attended the 47th Annual meeting of the Northeast Section of the Geological Society of America (NEGSA) convened at the Marriot Hartford, Hartford Conn. Walter, an NEGSA member, also represented an IAT sponsor, Poland Spring Waters/ Nestle Waters of North America. He set up and managed a Poland Spring exhibitors booth on water at the meeting, and included IAT poster displays of the “Appalachian Terranes” and the “Origin of the Appalachians”. There were well over a thousand registrants in attendance. A total of 488 oral and poster sessions were presented covering geological Symposia, Theme sessions, Discipline Sessions, Workshops and Field Trips. There was much interest in IAT and numerous informational IAT bookmarks were dispensed.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Anderson