Dick Anderson, Eddie Woodin, Don Hudson, and Walter Anderson
On Sunday, December 18th, long-time friend and champion of the International Appalachian Trail Eddie Woodin made a $1,000 contribution to the Maine Chapter for the Annual Fund. Eddie’s gift was accepted by Maine Chapter President Don Hudson, along with Treasurer Dick Anderson and Chief Geologist Walter Anderson, in Yarmouth during halftime of the Patriots football game. Eddie has supported the Maine Chapter for over a dozen years and his gifts have allowed us to make great headway in a variety of activities, especially trail building and maintenance. Eddie is an avid birder and lover of the outdoors, and he appreciates the efforts of the Maine Chapter to promote appreciation of the common natural heritage of Maine and Canada’s Maritime Provinces. The Maine Chapter is just one of many organizations and causes supported by Eddie, among which youth sports and the Audubon Society stand out. With Eddie’s generous gift in hand, the Maine Chapter capped another successful annual fund, raising over $4,000 for chapter activities.